Nicola Gunn
Piece for Person and Ghetto Blaster

4.–5. oktober 2017

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19.00, Store scene

19.00, Store scene

“Comic Genius… Gunn’s text is intricate and often brilliant, full of unpredictable digressions and curious factoids. It’s the verbal equivalent of skimming stones over water.” The Age

“Nicola Gunn’s theatre is tantalising, entertaining, ridiculous and often bewildering in the best possible way. This marvellously eccentric, charming and mischievous performer has created yet another stylish, inventive and startling work…mesmerising and unforgettable.” Herald Sun

“Mordantly witty, and wittily digressive.” Daily Review

“Earlier this year I got into a fight with a stranger because he was throwing stones at a sitting duck. She was protecting her eggs. The man’s children were collecting the stones for him to throw. I asked him if he could please stop what he was doing because it was unnecessary. He told me to mind my own business, or words to that effect. I was in a foreign country and we did not speak each other’s language. What ensued was an angry, abusive and physical confrontation that achieved nothing: he continued to throw stones at the duck and I walked home to write about it on facebook.” Nicola Gunn

Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster er historien om en mann, en kvinne og en and. Forestillingen utforsker menneskelig atferd ved å stille spørsmål om våre evner til å gjøre moralske vurderinger og forholde oss til andre på en etisk måte.

Utgangspunktet er veldig enkelt: hva gjør du hvis du kommer over en person som kaster stein på en and? Gradvis blir dette tilsynelatende enkle scenarioet overveldende komplekst. Bak erindringer om et kort møte med en totalt fremmed lurer det filosofiske bilder om fred og konflikt, moralsk relativisme, intervensjonens etikk og selve kunstens funksjon.

De ulike lagene I Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster utgjør en evigvarende bevegelse, full av humor, provokasjon og refleksjon.

  • Extra credits Seedpod, Arts House Culture Lab, Maximised by Chunky Move og Mobile States | Performing Lines
  • Varighet 70 minutter