
In the bookshop at Black Box teater, you will find a small selection of books, each of them related to the theater program.

The books have either been suggested by the artists, are related to their practice, or evolve thematically around the seasonal program and topical program. Here you can also buy books published by Black Box teater and books from Varamo Press, a publishing house founded by the artists Mette Edvardsen and Jaroen Peeters.

Want to order a book?
The physical bookshop is located in the foyer at Black Box teater, and is open before and after the performances.

Are you located outside of Oslo and would like to place a book order to receive in the mail? Send an e-mail to

Black Box teater publishes the book series Scenekunstklassikere
Scenekunstklassikere (Performing Arts Classics) is a deep dive into the performing arts field from the 1970s until today. The books are written by various authors, and are based on the writers’ personal experiences of one chosen performance. 

The titles you will find in this book series are: #1 Grenland Friteater: Harde tak by Chris Erichsen, #2 Lisa Lie: Blue Motell by Ibrahim Fazlic and #3 Martin Slaatto: Transporteringsdans by Sidsel Pape.

Spring 2024 we launched the fourth edition, Collage Dansekompani: Filo D'erba or Frail Creation by Cecilie Lindeman Steen.

Follow our events calendar for the upcoming book launches!