Odin Teatret
Foredrag med Eugenio Barba og filmvisning

7. november 2015

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17.00, Lille scene

Foredrag med Eugenio Barba og presentasjon av filmen: In the Beginning Was the Idea

In the beginning was the idea

The idea is an eater of men

Therefore man is sacrified to it

The film, “In the Beginning Was the Idea” is based on the performance by Odin Teatret: “The Gospel According to Oxyrhincus”. Between 1985 and 1987 the performance was performed in 12 countries in Europe and South America. “The Gospel According to Oxyrhincus” is the story of the revolt buried alive, the story of Antigone and her brother Polynices; and the story of Zusha Mal’ak, the Jew, who is searching for the Messiah and comes upon a society which has already found its Messiah. Here they speak Coptic and Old Greek, two dead languages, which nobody understands any longer.

But why doesn’t the Messiah come? Does he perhaps think That the future generations will be better? They will be worse. It is just winter and in winter the seed Is sown in order to reap in the red summer.

Gratis inngang.

  • Extra credits 71 min. Colour. 1991