Susie Wang

13.–21. juni 2024 ❶ Premiere

Past showings

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

17:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

17:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

We find ourselves at the top of the food chain, yet fewer and fewer cells choose to divide to become like us. Many would rather become cancer. My God, if even nature doesn't care, who will save us?

Susie Wang has this time around opted to give birth naturally, and we are now attending a course to learn how to do it right. The clue is to breathe deeply, and let your body take you where it wants. To become one more.

Dr. Jack knows this. All the pregnant women are first-time moms, they are all over 40 and all overdue. Full of themselves they rock around their own axis and moan. Skyler has swollen feet, Zoe is dizzy, Sheila is sad and the Universe doesn’t care.

We have long suspected that nature is fed up. Something has come between us. Now it’s lodged itself and won’t move either way. So, we have decided to close ourselves off and to only breathe our own exhalation. When the air runs out and the door slams shut we are stuck inside and all hope is lost. But then…

Together with colleagues, Susie Wang has created a new show that revolves around the miraculous female body, and as always, it’s a matter of life and death.

“I can safely say that I’ve never seen anything quite like “Burnt Toast” (…) a disturbing yet tender tale of love and cannibalism.”

The critically acclaimed and award-winning theatre company Susie Wang is back at Black Box teater with the premiere of a brand new performance. The trilogy Burnt Toast, Mumiebrun and The Hum have all been shown to sold out houses at Black Box teater in the past. Since then, they have created The Look, which was shown at Nationaltheatret and Licht und Liebe, which premiered at Kilden teater. Burnt Toast was also shown this spring at Nationaltheatret. Susie Wang was formed in 2017 by Trine Falch, Martin Langlie, Mona Solhaug and Bo Krister Wallstrøm.


  • Dr. Jack – Kim Atle Hansen
  • Sheila – Mona Solhaug
  • Skyler – Julie Solberg
  • Zoe – Selome Emnetu
  • Clay – Phillip Isaksen
  • Morty – Simen Ulvestad

In collaboration with Heddadagene .

  • Extra credits Brobekk
  • Duration 80 minutter