Ceylan Öztrük
Wearing the Angles, Kissing the Room

15.–16. november 2024

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

Orientation is the perception of space through the body. It is a body language, depending on the body to inhabit space. Ceylan Öztrük foregrounds the concept of orientation to reconsider spatiality by hosting disorientation. As disorientation involves becoming an object, a sculpture, Wearing the Angles, Kissing the Room is a narrative on the clash and meld, between the body and the building, the person and the institution, the bent and the stiff.

While a text constitutes the texture of the work expanding into the space, a dreamy perception is created by stage installations. Wearing the Angles, Kissing the Room produces the moment of bypassing, to realign the orientation between the bodies and constructed spaces, to create a different orientation towards things. Disorientation does not remain a state—it becomes an element of the body, converging the body with the building; As we stay in this moment to adjust another approach. An orientation on how we are going to inhabit the space, how the space will dwell in bodies. In an everyday performance, stage is a moment of losing, in a purposeful disorientation.

Ceylan Öztrük is an artist who lives and works in Zurich. She completed her practice-based doctorate at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul in 2016 as she initiated her subject in the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna at Post Conceptual Art Practices in 2014. In 2022 she received a Swiss Art Award, the world's oldest art award. She has created several performances and had a number of exhibitions, among them Wearing the Angles, Kissing the Room which premiered at the Gessnerallee Theater in Zurich in 2023.

A talk with Ceylan Öztrük
  • Duration 60 minutter
  • Languages