Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2025

13.–29. mars 2025

16:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater

16:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater
Past showings

16:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater

14:00, Black Box teater

Welcome to Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2025!

Artistic Program

You can also find a comprehensive topical program on the festival's website

Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival has been the pulsing heart of Black Box teaters spring program since 2013. The festival gives the audience a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of performing arts from different parts of the world, gathered under one roof at Black Box teater in central Oslo. With a challenging and innovative approach to performing arts, the festival has become an important meeting place for both the artists and the audience. This years edition carries the title: “Roots and Reclamations: Theater at the Crossroads of Empire and Identity”.

See you at the festival!
Black Box teater