Hudriket – et arnested for berørere

12.–15. mai 2022 ❶ Premiere

Past showings

18:00, Oslo

20:00, Oslo

18:00, Oslo

20:00, Oslo

15:00, Oslo

18:00, Oslo

20:00, Oslo

15:00, Oslo

18:00, Oslo

20:00, Oslo

Touching and being touched is crucial to our lives. For a long time, we have refrained from hugs and other forms of physical contact. The skin is our largest sensory organ – the skin and the sense of touch is not to ofte being activated in art. In Hudriket, you are gently led into a room where all your senses are stimulated by sound, smell and touch. The sensory hierarchy is reshuffled, and perhaps you experience that your skin becomes your eyes?

Liv Kristin Holmberg and Hanna Barfod have delved into touch practices and looked at how touch art can create a connection between people. Based on this, they have created Hudriket – a hearth for touchers.

You show up at Black Box teater where you will be transported by bus, together with others that are going to Hudriket. Upon arrival, you are led into different rooms where you will be guided through an experience in the realm of the skin.

Liv Kristin Holmberg is organist and performing artist. Her practice is in between ritual performance, installation art and music theater. Hanna Barfod is a performing artist and theater educator with an interest in sensory-based, cross-aesthetic and interactive theater events.

More information about time and place will be launched at blackbox.no

  • Extra credits Thanks to our teachers in touching: Julia Adzuki, Hilde Barsnes, Rob Bennett, Gunn Helene Engelsrud, Trine Folmoe, Håvard Kalseth, Elin Høyland, Katarina Skår Lisa, Ilonka Ringeling, Marianne Skjeldal, Ståle Stenslie, Guro Strande, Sissel M. Thoen og Sigrid Vesaas med flere.
  • Duration 180 minutter