Lost and Found Productions (NO)
Witch Club Satan

21.–22. september 2022

Past showings

19:00, Store scene

19:00, Store scene

Witch Club Satan is a neo-feminist black metal performance in four acts – a musical, dramatic ritual with an unknown effect. The performance is based on Norway's most important musical export, Black Metal, the power of the genre and its theatrical potency. Black metal is more than a genre of music, it is a world in itself with a rich and vibrant subculture. Although black metal in recent years has moved from the underground to become public property, it is still colored by a history of crime, twisted political attitudes and male dominance. The genre has a buzz of something really dangerous when playing around with dark forces despite its superficial theatricality.

Witch Club Satan is a theater performance and a band that demands its place in the Norwegian metal scene. It is a story about women, witches and ancient cries, about earth, blood and fire.

The performance includes both actors and the audience in a staged ritual where the transformative potential of theater and music is explored and tested.

Lost and Found Productions was founded by Nikoline Spjelkavik and Victoria Fredrikke Schou Røising in 2016. The performing arts duo create original performances constantly exploring the meeting between music and theater. Together with writer Johanna Holt Kleive, they have created the show and the band Witch Club Satan.

NB! The performance contains flashing strobe lights

+ 22 September, Foajé, Aftertalk with Lost and Found Productions
Meet the artists of Lost and Found Productions in a conversation with Elin Grinaker directly after the performance Witch Club Satan.
The conversation takes place in Norwegian.

In collaboration with Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival .