Findlay/​/​Sandsmark (US/​NO)

15.–16. mars 2017

Past showings

21:00, Store scene

21:00, Store scene

“(…) there is always a beginning backward glance, to get at some experience,

or memory of an experience, or sensation around a way of being in the world, maybe a way that is lost, or never quite existed to begin with,” writes Claudia La Rocco about the work of Findlay//Sandsmark. Black Box teater presented returner (early version) in a process viewing last autumn. Iver Findlay, Marit Sandsmark and Pål Asle Petersen, together with their extensive team, are now back with us for the premiere of the latest version.>>returner<< oscillates between different states and qualities of presence, while searching for moments of alchemy when differences dissolve into unexpected sensations. The piece is a continuation of the collaborative processes of Findlay//Sandsmark, in which works develop in variations and by combining installation and live performance with a strong physical and choreographic sensibility.


  • Duration 90 minutter